Monday, October 31, 2011
The Search for Robert Woods Jr
Wow!!! What a week but a fantastic ending. By now, Robert Woods Jr is a household name. I personally, have not had the pleasure of meeting Robert, however, his mother is a friend a fellow co-worker with the Caroline County Women of the Moose. When, I received a text Sunday night telling me that Robert was missing and was lost in the woods on Verdon Rd, I was in complete shock. How could you not find this child? How did he wonder away?
Monday morning I came home from work and watched the news and still no sign of Robert. I just knew they would find him while I napped before I had to head back into work Monday night. When I awoke on Monday night there wasn't any sign that Robert was found. I received a text from a good friend, who lives behind Robert and his brother and mother, he told me they were opening the search to the public. He wanted to know if I could help with organizing a search and getting it up on facebook. I didn't hesitate, not only was this a child missing, but it was our child, our families child. We needed to step up to help. I asked Chuck to check with our Administrator and board members to see if we could open our lodge to provide warm food for those searching. Of course, Mac agreed but then Chuck called Fred and Carolyn Coutts, not only were we going to organize at the Lodge, we were going to take coffee, donuts and snacks out to feed the volunteers. After I put everything on facebook, calls started rolling in, Cindy Hall wanted to donate Johnsville Brats she had, which were about 200. We had things planned out, we had another member, Karri Zellerino, making soup and Brian Young organizing food with Walmart in Ashland. Everything was set for the next day.
As I was leaving work I had to tell myself that I needed to stop at Karri's to pick up a pot of soup. Boy, what a pot of soup it, I mean huge. I remember thinking to myself, damn, what is she going to do, feed an army. I drove to Kings Dominion and pulled into the main entrance. It was truly amazing, there was a sea of people waiting in line to be processed. It was an army of people from young (that day there was an age limit of 18) to old, all different kinds of people. I looked and was completely overcome with chills and whelled up in tears and just sobbed like a baby. I just could not believe that strangers and so many were coming out to help us find Robert for his mother. When I got out of the car with the soup, everyone friend I saw I grabbed and hugged. I kept saying we will find him today!
While we were feeding all the volunteers I began to worry about Robert's family. Who was feeding them? I called Betty Mae and she said they had some stuff but not a lot. I told her to let me know when they wanted something and if they wanted to stay out of the media to sneak in and I would make sure they had enough food to take down to Barbara. She did come up and she brought Norma Williams (Robert's maternal grandmother), I remember seeing her walking up and she was carrying a stuffed Micky Mouse. She was giving that to Robert when he was found. She carried that around as she sobbed and prayed for Robert's safe return. We told her we were here for them and if they needed anything to let us know. She said bring him home. I remember telling her, we will find him and we will continue to pray for him. Unfortunately, we didn't find Robert on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Thursday night I was going to Panera bread to receive donations of bagels and pastries for Friday's search parties. As I was driving, I could feel my car moving with the wind and then I saw the first drop of mixed percipitation. I just looked up and prayed, dear Lord, please not tonight. Hold this weather off until we find Robert. He's just a baby, lost in the woods and he can't handle this weather alone. Not long after that, the rain stopped, the wind was still strong and I could hear the whistle's when I got home from the wind between the trees. I just constantly prayed that Jesus would wrap his loving warm arms around Robert and keep him safe until we could find him.
Friday morning came and at 6:30 I headed out the Meadow Farm Park to get the food tent started, cutting bagels and putting out pastries. We had to make coffee and hope for some donations of coffee, boiled hot water for tea or hot chocolate. It was so freaking cold and all I could think about was Robert out in the cold without a coat or gloves or a hat. My youngest son, Blake, had to ride the 4 wheeler to catch the bus. When I said to him it was nasty out he told me he didn't need a ride, he was fine, he said go help feed the volunteers so they can make it through the woods and find Robert. I did what he said. When I arrived at the staging area it was still as amazing as it had been except today, standing among a huge crane was the American Flag. Boy, that flag meant so much!
Carolyn and Fred couldn't be there early so it was myself and Brian Young to lead the volunteers in the food service area. When I got there, there was a sea of tents and volunteers were already lined up ready to go. It was so cold and I felt terrible because I remember complaining how cold it was. Poor Robert was out in that cold all night, how was he doing? I started the day with cutting bagels to make it easier for the volunteers to grab and go. We laid out danishes, pastries of so many sorts. There so many donated items from power bars to squeezable fruits. We wanted to ensure our volunteers in the woods had plenty to help keep them going. They would spend hours out in the field before they came back for rehab and so many of them would rehab and then re-deploy into the field. So many people would stop and thank us for feeding them when in reality we needed to thank them. They were doing the toughest job. They fought briars, creeks and swamps. I think during this entire week I met some of the strongest people I know.
We worked along side the American Red Cross and really made great things happen. Carolyn and I stayed in the motor home and began working out dinner plans with Greg. We sent Chuck and Michelle on runs to various local restaurants for food. We had food rolling in, we had volunteers that continued to show up each and every day to help serve the volunteers that were searching. We had an assembly line of folks making sandwiches, everything was running like a well oiled machine. People were amazing, asking what they could do. It was incredible.
Seriously, we saw Captain Trice come in and discuss information to get that under way for his 9am briefing and updates with the media. He was such a great guy and did an amazing job. He never gave up hope, the officers, logistics and EMS that were onsite with us, never gave up hope. We knew time was running out but we did what we could to keep the faith up and made that hope spread to everyone! We had to, we couldn't loose hope or we could lose Robert.
Around 1:30pm I had to leave the post and go to Tom Leonard's to buy steaks for friday night dinner at the Moose lodge. While I pulled into the parking lot, Betty Mae called me, crying, she said they found him. I will never forget those words, they found him. I began sobbing and asked if he was alive. She said he was and I remember hanging up and calling Carolyn. I asked Carolyn if she heard and she asked me did I hear what? I said they found Robert, he's ALIVE! she said what??? I said they found Robert and he's alive. Next thing I heard was the phone drop and Carolyn shout out, They found your baby!!!! OMG that was incredible. I was told after that Michelle and Carolyn had to help Barbara out the RV door and Captain Trice and 2 other Hanover Deputies came and whisked her off.
I couldn't contain myself and shouted in Tom Leonard's he was found! Everyone was so happy to hear. It's amazing how many lives that little fella touched in those 5 days. I went back to the RV because we now had to feed all the volunteers who were still coming in from the woods, today was a different feel when they were coming in. Everyone was hugging and laughing and just so excited. It was one good Samiratin that listened to the Good Lord and went out and found Robert on Friday. However, every one of us was responsible for finding him as well. I remember getting back and hugging our team and shouting out he's alive! Michelle and I hugged so tight and cried together, it was truly an experience.
One small little boy brought so many together. I re-built relationships and made new ones all because of this little boy. Autism was brought to the forefront, we learned new things about a disease that captures so many. We learned a lot and I will never, ever forget what we learned.
Thank you so much to Barbara and her family for allowing us to help in this task. Robert, thank you so much for being okay and for teaching us about Autism, many us didn't understand it until now!
Caroline Moose... we take care of our own! We are small and few but we get the job done!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
In Memoriam of GW Smith
Well, it's been awhile since I posted last. So many things have happened. One of which was losing a dear friend of ours "GW" Smith (that's him on this page). I met GW about 5 years ago when we moved to Plain Dealing Farm, which is part of Brookmeade Sod Farm, he rode to our house on his motorcycle to fix our air conditioning unit. I've never seen such a site in my life. This was my very first encounter with GW, but unknown to me, my husband grew up with him. They played football together and partied together. I just could not believe someone was coming to fix and air conditioner on a motorcycle. I thought for sure someone in a work truck of some sort would show up. I met him and really didn't talk to him that much, I figured he was being paid to work and not chat it up. However, he and Troy would sit for hours and talk and I could hear them in the house. GW had a voice that roared. Over the past 5 years we would see him off and on, mostly when the AC was on the brink.
Then, recently, we went to see him at the place he was staying with another friend, named popeye. I went in and met Popeye and everyone else that was sitting around talking. I heard a voice and I knew it was GW's since he was so freakin loud. He came into the living room and hugged me and said, there's my girl. Honestly, I was surprised because we never really talked much but I had been his friend on facebook for about a year. I would send invites to various motorcycle gatherings etc but didn't know he knew it was me. Well, he did and we chatted for a long time. After that night, we talked more and more on facebook. He came by a bit more. It was cool. Then I saw him again at his place and we were talking and I noticed he had a hearing aid. When we left I told Troy, now I know why he's so loud, he had a hearing problem. I just thought he was loud and obnixious. He wasn't at all!
On Sept 30th, Troy told me that we were going to see Tracy Lawrence with GW. I was so excited. He was just a ball of fun. Everyone knew him and he just made you feel so good. GW came by the house before the concert and we made plans to meet up. I will never forget we were listening and GW came over dancing and having a good ol time. Hooting and hollering. What a ball. We enjoyed ourselves so much. He made plans to come over and still hunt with his bow for the next day. Then he said wait I don't have anyone to come with me and I can't ride my Harley with a crossbow, arrows and a tree stand. LOL. He was always so much fun and said the funniest things. Needless to say he never came by to hunt.
We didn't hear from him the rest of the weekend or not that I knew about. Imagine my surprise when I was at work and skimming through facebook when I saw he was involved in a motorcycle accident. The fear and chill that shimmered through my body was horrible. We were just with him, how could this be. Then everyone said he made it out of surgery okay and things were looking up. On Saturday, Troy called him and he talked to him a couple of time. Shoot, they had to post on facebook so many times to have people stop calling the hospital because the switchboard was blowing up.
I will never forget when the news travelled to us that GW was gone. I was laying in bed as we just found out another friend passed away that cold horrible Sunday morning, and I had to get some sleep to survive the overnight shift. Troy came in my room and asked me to check facebook because Cameron (my oldest) called in a panic saying GW died. I was so out of it and amifed, I then logged into facebook and nothing. No one said he died, still praying for him to get out of ICU, since he was to be moved that day. Hell, he posted pics of himself on facebook that morning and was updating his status. So, I layed my head back down on my pillow to try and close my eyes. But for some reason, I just couldn't find peace.
Finally, I woke up for the night and began getting ready for work and looked on facebook and there it was.......GW was gone. I was shocked, sad and still can't believe it. How could someone like him just be gone? He was an amazing person and loving, a gentle giant. I cried, Troy was asleep and I tried waking him to tell him. He wouldn't budge. In the morning, I had to call and deliver that news to someone who lost a life long friend. Everyone was and is in shock. When we found out the funeral arrangements, we made it to the viewing. Man, talk about a man who touched so many people in so many different but special ways. I've never in my entire life been to a viewing that was standing room only. You literally had to wait in line to go into the room where he was laid out.
Troy, wouldn't go in, he refused, he just wanted to remember G the way he was the last day we saw him. He didn't want that vision tarnished. I went in with our good friend Robbie and his two boys and I was so glad to see all the pictures of G growing up. When I came to the coffin and it was closed, I was really glad. The vision and image I had of G wasn't tarnished, I remember him dancing and laughing with us that Friday night at the Tracy Lawrence concert. So, many people were destraught, sad and emotional, it was a true challange but we needed to be there. I will swear there were over 200 people at this viewing, people I wouldn't have known knew G. Truly amazing.
We didn't make it to the funeral the next day. Troy was not himself and slept all day. He was so depressed and I think he still is. When people our age start passing away, it brings to light that life is simply too short. We buried many young people this year and it's been very tragic. Friday, we were to go to a celebration of his life but Troy couldn't bring himself to do that either. I understand that this will be a yearly event and I hope by next year, Troy would have come to terms and we can celebrate.
Thanks for letting me write about this because I tell you it feels good to talk it through. GW Smith... You are loved more and more every day!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Lunch Hour Gone Bad
What started out to be a great lunch hour, at least I thought it would be, because I was going to spend it with my girl Coco ended up being a huge fiasco. Coco and I decided for once we would enjoy a sit down lunch together and of course with our work schedule, the only places open would be Denny's, Wawa or Sheetz. We opted for Denny's, I just couldn't wait to sink my teeth in a medium rare porterhouse cooked to perfection with 2 eggs over medium, hashbrowns and an english muffin. Coco was going to have steak as well but with the dinner sides. We read through the menu about six times and kept coming back to the same order. The waitress came to the table and I politely said I will have the T-bone dinner with.... and she stopped me dead in my tracks and said nope you can't have that. Coco and I looked at one another in complete astonishment, what do you mean we can't have steak and eggs. Are you freaking serious? She said the delivery truck was coming today but not soon enough. So, we took out the menus again and began pondering on what we wanted. The waitress came back again and I decided I would order country fried steak, and yet again, the waitress informed me that was impossible because they didn't have that either, they only had country fried chicken. I huffed and puffed a bit and let Coco order. She ordered Western burger because she wanted the onion straws that came on the burger. Then finally I just ordered a Moon over My Hammy with Hasbrowns. When the order finally arrived, mine was fine but Coco's was not what she wanted by any means. Instead of onion straws, they tried to sneak in just an onion ring on her burger. I don't know what they were thinking because Coco was not having any of that and sent it back. By this time, I know they were frustrated with us but so were we for God's sake. Coco ordered her usual chicken wrap and by the time hers arrived, I was done. Then to top it off they forgot her salsa and blue cheese so we had to re-order that.
Since this order too forever, we decided to order carry out for our co-worker and our dessert. I was finished eating and Coco finished eating but they were still cooking the breakfast we ordered to go and we also ordered the pancake puppy sundae. Can you believe, we waited for what seemed like forever for those few things to be cooked. Finally, we received the check but way before the extra food. This led me to believe that we just did not have a good customer experience. We didn't have time to have our dessert so asked for it to go but it was not as good cold as it would have been hot.
I'm trying to decide if I will actually go to Denny's again. The last time we tried to order the kitchen was shut down for maintanence.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Everyday Life!
My life can be so freakin' crazy.... I work the grave yard shift, which is 10pm until 9am Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Which means I sleep when the rest of the world is awake and working. However, the rest of the world just doesn't "get" that.
For instance, today, I arrived at home around 10am. My loving husband *cough, cough, cough* says he needs a ride to the bank. You guessed it, his social security check was in and he needed some money. Now to his defense he does pay the rent out of his check but this crazy man bought a tractor. Why would he buy a tractor? We live on a sod farm and they have lots of tractors we can use. But, no that's not good enough, he has to buy one and we need it like he needs a hole in his head. So, we were riding to the bank and Donald calls and wants to hang out. WTF.... don't these people know I don't live in a party house? I have to sleep during the day? We picked him up and then Troy received a phone call from his uncle. He wants Troy to get a passport and go to Trinidad. Troy didn't know where it was nor did he know how to spell it. I just brushed that off because there was no way he would leave to go that far from the Town of Ashland. People in that town never leave. Seriously, the call it "The Center of the Universe" which I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.
Finally, I get home and ready to sleep. I turn my loud box fan on and snuggle under my warm blankets. Oh it was like being in heaven. I slept pretty good until I had to pee. I hate when you have to pee in the middle of the day (which is my night). Then I looked at my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Blake. At about this time it was 5pm and he needed a ride home from school. Cameron was to pick him up and forgot so I had to drag my big butt out of bed to go and get him. When we got home it was time to start dinner. I wanted to make something in the crock pot but no, Troy gets a great idea that "we" should make jambalya. Well, of course the "we" becomes me. I cooked it, and the aroma smelled incredible. Did he eat, oh no, he received a call for a wood order and he dashed out the freakin door. How rude.
My plan was to go back to bed but then he needed me to take a for sale sign to the corner for the pick up truck. Why should I have to do that. Our pick up and dump truck has sat in the same spot every season for 3 years. I think by now people know that it's our truck. The folks at the "Ashland Ghetto" (these are shacks that use to be chicken coops and they turned them into houses) knows it's our truck and they know our phone numbers. Come on get real. Plus, I don't gain a dime from fire wood. I was beyond pissed. I took it up there and finally crawled back into bed.
When he came home the hounds were barking and carrying on that it woke me up and here I am at 4:30am so exhausted I could cry. I've decided when they all least expect it I am going to wake them up at 3am and see how they like it.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
State Fair Part III - Didn't happen :(
Well I know ya'll were looking for some more exciting and fun things from the State Fair and pictures from Percy Sledge but man, I didn't go.
First off I woke up at 4pm to see if Troy wanted to go but he didn't feel much like it and honestly neither did I. Although, I wanted to see Percy Sledge, I still had to work Saturday night, so I had to pass. Once Troy said that I knew I could make something simple to eat since the kids were gone, Troy was snoozing on the couch and it was just me. I made a good ol' fashion PB&J, toasted. Wow, how good could that taste. It's been so long and how I missed a good ol' fashion samich (sandwich for those that don't speak redneck). I used smooth, creamy peanut butter and some awesome Blackberry Jam that a friend (Garrett) made and gave to me. Yummy! That was a nice treat for myself. I started to watch some TV and then found out Blake went to Kings Dominion alone instead of the Fair with his brother.
Blake text me and said he was with a friend, but not the friend he said he was going to be with at Kings Dominion. I was so heated, and then he did it. He threw in the "Cameron's the Favorite Card". There's nothing more than that I hate. So, I had Cameron go and pick him up and they went back to the fair. Therefore, I didn't see my children at all on Saturday.
Anyway, back to my day lol. So, as Troy looked like a turtle under his blankey's it was freezin in the house. I made him get up and start a fire in the woodstove. There's nothing better than the smell of a fresh fire in the woodstove. But, let me ask you this, who starts a fire in a woodstove with some kindling and burnt motor oil? My redneck husband does, that's who. Although, my father in law's girlfriend says she starts hers with lighter fluid. So, who knew??? *shrugs shoulders* Give me some dry cedar and newspaper and I'm good. However, the start of 50 degree weather translates around my house "Arguments".
I know that sounds so strange. However, Blake absolutely HATES firewood, anything to do with firewood. We fight him every winter about firewood. If he has to split it, he'll stay in the house and say he has to go to the bathroom. Who in their right mind is in the bathroom for two freakin hours. Blake, that's who. Then if he has to put wood on the porch, again he has to "go to the bathroom", two hours later it's done. If he has to fill the woodbox in the house.... that's right you guessed it... he has to "go to the bathroom". I don't know what will happen once Cameron leaves the house. So, it's starting now, woodstove going and the fights begin. Got to love it.
Anyway, after I sat up for a bit, the air was so crisp, I wanted to go back into my room, lay down pull the covers over my head and watch some netflix until I had to get ready for work. You know this weather is so perfect for sleeping and I did just that, I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 10pm and had to be at work by 11pm. Wow, I overslept on a night schedule. Who does that? Apparently, I do that. I even forgot the Cinnamon pickles I promised a girl at work. I must bring them in tonight. So, of course it was a mad dash out of the house and to work. What a crazy, crazy start of my day.....
Now, I can't wait until my day off because with this weather comes my baking in the kitchen. I love to bake and I'm so excited. I love to cook on Thanksgiving and Christmas and fill the house with that aroma. Ohhhh I'm excited thinking about it folks. You know we'll be doing a lot of talking about food soon.
In the mean time enjoy and sit back because this is going to be a long ride........
Saturday, October 1, 2011
State Fair - Pilgrimage Part II
Okay... so, I went to the dentist. Have to get a root canal but that's for another time. I got home and went to sleep for about three hours. Had to sleep some or else I wouldn't make it on my shift at work and I knew I had to go see Tracy Lawrence.....
I got up, showered, dressed and was ready to go! We get to the fair and when you walk in that's where the "big" concerts take place. But, like a little kid we walked right past the stage. I poked out my bottom lip and pointed and all I could hear come out of my mouth was ba, ba, ba, but that was it. Troy said come on Elsie we'll come back. So, we steadily walked and Troy wanted to get a hand-tossed pizza so we stopped and had a slice and filled our re-fillable cup for $2. Yes, people we bought the cup earlier that day and I brought it back. They weren't getting me for $5 a cup.
As, we go to sit down, it starts to rain. We found a seat that was under a tent which was great. Then I see, my two hoodlums walking up. They don't want to see me, they want my money... Damn kids. So, I give them some loot and they too decide on pizza. Then they left us, shoot who wants to be seen with mom and dad at the state fair. Not my kids.
We walked some more and yes, we had to go back to the dunking booth that Troy didn't see earlier that day. The clown was talking but he wasn't as funny as he was last year. Plus, the state troopers were by his side, I guess for protection. What is the world coming to if the Dunking Booth Clown needs protection. I don't get it..... We didn't hang out there too long. Donald was drunk and so embarrasing. I was waiting for them to lock him up for drunk in public. He kept whining about the concert so we made our way back to center stage....
Tracy Lawrence was on stage and the place was thick with people. We could barely see him. What does Donald do? He leaves us to make his way to the front. Troy and I shook our heads and said, he's going to get locked up. So, as we listened to the music and danced some...Troy went to grab a beer. Lord 5 troopers came storming past me and then Troy came up behind them. We both said, well looks like Donald found his ride home. The concert went on.
As we listened they left a lot of folks up towards the front of the stage and low and behold, there he was, Donald, front and center. I couldn't believe it and we were way in the back. Tracy Lawrence sang is final song, we thought it was over and started making our way out of the place. After all I had to work right, then he started singing again. We made our way to the front and yay! Autographed CD I got and Troy got a hat. My life at the fair was complete.
I got my corn dog, fried oreos (I wasn't brave enough for fried koolaide) and an autograph from Tracy Lawrence. After all that, we made it back to the car, home and then to work..... without incident...
Tomorrow night.... State Fair part III with Percy Sledge....
I got up, showered, dressed and was ready to go! We get to the fair and when you walk in that's where the "big" concerts take place. But, like a little kid we walked right past the stage. I poked out my bottom lip and pointed and all I could hear come out of my mouth was ba, ba, ba, but that was it. Troy said come on Elsie we'll come back. So, we steadily walked and Troy wanted to get a hand-tossed pizza so we stopped and had a slice and filled our re-fillable cup for $2. Yes, people we bought the cup earlier that day and I brought it back. They weren't getting me for $5 a cup.
As, we go to sit down, it starts to rain. We found a seat that was under a tent which was great. Then I see, my two hoodlums walking up. They don't want to see me, they want my money... Damn kids. So, I give them some loot and they too decide on pizza. Then they left us, shoot who wants to be seen with mom and dad at the state fair. Not my kids.
We walked some more and yes, we had to go back to the dunking booth that Troy didn't see earlier that day. The clown was talking but he wasn't as funny as he was last year. Plus, the state troopers were by his side, I guess for protection. What is the world coming to if the Dunking Booth Clown needs protection. I don't get it..... We didn't hang out there too long. Donald was drunk and so embarrasing. I was waiting for them to lock him up for drunk in public. He kept whining about the concert so we made our way back to center stage....
Tracy Lawrence was on stage and the place was thick with people. We could barely see him. What does Donald do? He leaves us to make his way to the front. Troy and I shook our heads and said, he's going to get locked up. So, as we listened to the music and danced some...Troy went to grab a beer. Lord 5 troopers came storming past me and then Troy came up behind them. We both said, well looks like Donald found his ride home. The concert went on.
As we listened they left a lot of folks up towards the front of the stage and low and behold, there he was, Donald, front and center. I couldn't believe it and we were way in the back. Tracy Lawrence sang is final song, we thought it was over and started making our way out of the place. After all I had to work right, then he started singing again. We made our way to the front and yay! Autographed CD I got and Troy got a hat. My life at the fair was complete.
I got my corn dog, fried oreos (I wasn't brave enough for fried koolaide) and an autograph from Tracy Lawrence. After all that, we made it back to the car, home and then to work..... without incident...
Tomorrow night.... State Fair part III with Percy Sledge....
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