Friday, September 7, 2012

The camping life

Redneck Woman on a New Adventure!!!!

Well, I've been gone for quite some time but I've decided why stay away. People have asked me to post more and here I am! I'm BAAAACCCKKK with so many new adventures.

To catch up, Troy aka Paul Bunyon and I have purchased a lot at Indian Acres in Thornburg VA. Boy has that been an experience. How it all began....

In May, a good friend invited us to come to Indian Acres to swim, fish and have a good time. I had never heard of this campground before in my life. So, we decided, what the heck lets do it. We put Blake in the truck and all his things that my mother gave him to sell to the campground. They were having a big yardsale. OMG it was like a reservation, and I'm not kidding. There were indian statues every where. It was so nice and relaxing.

Once we finished the yardsaling and Blake made $100 we decided to go home and then we would come back. We talked all the way home and decided we wanted to purchase a lot at Indian Acres. We got to the Acres early and rode around with our friends with a listing of lots for sale and just began our new adventures. We were told to take our time and look and not jump into anything. Well, if you know Troy you know patience is not his strong point. When he wants something, he wants it then and there's no waiting. We found several lots but nothing really struck us. We enjoyed a nice dance but had to leave early because of course I have to work on freaking Sundays! I hate working Sundays... but that's for another time. Since this was on a Saturday we spent most of Sunday and Monday just talking and really getting excited about having a camper.

That Tuesday we decided would turn in our application for membership to Indian Acres. Lord, I had no idea what would come after that. Since, we knew we didn't have any issues as far as police records, being pedophiles etc we just knew we would be approved for membership. So, we found a place and this nice lady from DC told us we could have it but we would need to pay the remaining amount of her dues. That was about $450, wow a camper with a screened porch for $450. We just couldn't believe it. The lady was so nice and this is how impatient Troy is.... he asked the lady if we could open the camper to go inside. She said yes.... OMG what a site. The camper sat there for 3 years without anyone coming to it and it had leaked where the AC is on the roof. It was a mess, I just looked at Troy and thought my God are we sure we want to embark on this. Well, he said yes! We started cleaning the place out, it smelled like old people. Me, well, I'm petrified of snakes and told everyone you pull all this stuff out and I will clean it but you have to make sure there are no snakes hiding anywhere. They did. We spent a lot of time and money cleaning the place up. We were just so excited.

What came next was unbelievable. I got a call from Troy while I was at work and he was so upset. He said we were denied. I thought he was kidding at first but he wasn't, I got home and read the letter. The most upsetting part was they didn't include a reason we were denied. The next day I was off from work so I called and the Adminstrative assistant wouldn't tell me why I was denied. I was livid. I wasn't giving up, we had guest passes and we would use them but we would appeal. i did just that, I sent an appeal to all the board members and founds out the following weekend that not all the board members were included in the decision. I then met one of the board members and had a conversation with him and he apologized. He also told me to go to the President of Indian Acres, Liliian Wiggins and talk about it. I told him I would because I felt we should not be denied. Troy and I got on our golf cart and proceeded to the office, however, she refused to see us. What a crazy woman I thought. She was hiding behind the walls of the administration building. Troy was ready to give up but I refused! They were going to give me a reason.

I went on a writing campaign. I wrote letters to the President and the entire board including the lawyer for the Property Owners because I was now a property owner. Still I heard nothing. Fuming I decided I would try and join the IACT property owners facebook page and plead my case. Once I was approved for that I wrote about my situation and all the property owners rallied around me and encouraged me to not give up. Without the support of those PO's I would have cut my losses and walked away. However, they encouraged me and they kept my spirits up and kept me going. I then found out the reason we were denied. You won't believe it when I tell you.... We are WHITE. That's right people, we were being discrimintated against. Wait this is 2012. I was in so much shock and disbelief. When I went to work and told my friends who are African-American why I was denied they were in shock. They all said to me, wait "our people" don't camp. I told them the campground is 70/30 and in the favor of the African-American community. However, Troy and I have made friends with all kinds of people at IACT. I decided then and there if we weren't approved I would retain an attorney and fight IACT for discrimination. Then we all laughed at work. My friends all tell me I have my "black" card. I know about weaves and cooking. They tell me when I cook I "put my foot in it". So, they told me to take Ms. Wiggins some good ol' country food.

Within time, I received a call from Lillian Wiggins who wanted to meet with me and Troy and discuss our pending approval. We met with Ms. Wiggins and she hugged us and informed me she was not "racist". I hugged her back and we received our documents and started our process of transferring the deed. However, if you have to tell me your NOT racist then guess what you ARE racist. But, I wanted my membership and would not have a confrontation at that time.

We went to the lot and we waited until we told everyone we were approved until we received our deed. When that happened we had a huge party and enjoyed all of our new friends. We have made life long friends at IACT and I believe even Blake has made some lifelong friends. It's been an incredible summer. I will definitely fill you all in on those adventures starting tomorrow.... The Chunky dunky and the Throwing a stuffed animal off the golf cart adventure. I'm sure there will be plenty more to come. Enjoy the pictures of our before and after pictures of the camper below...Keep your eyes open for new post.

Before cleaning
Living area before

After cleaning

Living area after

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